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6416 円
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[ 商品説明 ]
> --------------------------- ・ご注文後に欠品する場合もあります。 ・出荷元の都合により出荷が遅れる場合もあります。 以上の場合は、速やかにご報告いたします。 在庫を多めに確保しておりますが人気商品のため、あらかじめご了承のうえ、ご注文ください。 --------------------------- 栄養多彩な十六穀ごはん 計量のいらない個包装タイプ 炊き方簡単 様々な料理に活用可能 サイズ 7.5cm x 16cm x 20.5 cm 重量 477.2g 香りや食感の個性、調和する味わいをひとつひとつ確かめながら選んだ十六種類の穀物です。 さまざまな環境で栄養をたっぷり蓄えてきた一粒一粒は、栄養多彩です。 偏りがちな食生活の栄養バランスを整えながら、いつものごはんに味わう楽しさと充実感を与えてくれます。 原産国 Japan 日本> --------------------------- There is a possibility that the product may be out of stock after the order is placed. In some cases. shipments may be delayed due to reasons beyond our control. In the above cases. we will notify you as soon as possible. Please note that we keep a large stock of this product. but due to the popularity of this product. please be aware of this before ordering. --------------------------- Hakubaku’s 16 Multi Mixed Grain has topped for 3 straight years in the mixed grain category in Japan. making it one of the most delicious mixed grain products. Meticulously choosing only the best ingredients. we surveyed almost 1.000 consumers as to taste with fantastic results! Testing our mix for "Umami" or savory taste. High in (Glutamic Acid) also makes our 16 multigrain mix nutritious. The nutritional profile of these mixed grains is comprised of vitamin B6. vitamin B1. calcium. magnesium. iron. and dietary fiber ? giving it comparable health benefits of a salad! It's the perfect balance of taste and nutrition! Hakubaku 16 Multi Mixed Grain will balance your nutritional intake when added to any rice dish or rice bowl! Country of Origin Japan 日本